Under the auspices of its Conservation Commission and the Maine Coastal Program, Georgetown is geared up to observe Coastal Cleanup 2012.

Jay Holt, a member of the Conservation Committee, says the Coastal Cleanup is the single largest volunteer event in Maine, in which Georgetown has participated for some 30 years. The longrange mission is to provide clean water and shores to enable continued harvesting of renewable marine resources such as clams, oysters, snails and fish that are critical for sustaining Maine’s coastal communities.

Flotsam will be collected, weighed, sorted and inventoried by volunteers at the Georgetown transfer station on Bay Point Road on Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For cleanup participants, materials including collection sacks and data sheets for recording collected items are available on a table on the south side of Georgetown Country Store’s parking lot. Whenever possible, items will be recycled or returned for refunds. In addition to individual participants, the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy and Bowdoin College’s Common Good Day Program are active partners.

Theresa Torrent-Ellis, senior planner with the Maine Coastal Program, is expected to attend and help at Saturday’s collection.

The interest is to observe how individual coastal communities organize for shoreland cleanup for the benefit of all.

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