THE REV. SARAH FOULGER signs a charter on Oct. 25, 1987, that created Mid-Coast Presbyterian Church (USA). Joining her, from right, are the Rev. James Underwood, Holly Lockhart and Noah Hoffman.

THE REV. SARAH FOULGER signs a charter on Oct. 25, 1987, that created Mid-Coast Presbyterian Church (USA). Joining her, from right, are the Rev. James Underwood, Holly Lockhart and Noah Hoffman.

TOPSHAM — On Sunday, Oct. 25, 1987, the Rev. Sarah Foulger and 50 of her parishioners signed a charter which initiated the Mid-Coast Presbyterian Church as a member of the Presbyterian Church USA.

The group of worshipers — who started around a kitchen table in Bath, met at the Golden Fan Motel at Cook’s Corner, and then the Topsham Grange — officially formed a Presbyterian Church. It now has a permanent and prominent location at 84 Main St. in Topsham, just past the municipal complex.

The chartering of MCPC is unusual in Presbyterian annals because it began as a result of local interest rather than a Presbyterian initiative. It is the only chartered Presbyterian (PCUSA) church in Maine. Of the 50 people who signed that charter, several still attend MCPC.

On Oct. 28, 2012, MCPC began a year-long celebration of its first 25 years as a presence in the Mid-coast area. The church session has set aside one Sunday each month for the next 12 months to celebrate different aspects of church life.

The “kick-off ” celebration on Oct. 28 began with a historical “skit” and the dedication of new paraments made by women of the church — to grace the pulpit and the communion table. Following the service, the congregation was treated to brunch and a short program focusing on church history. A new banner was created by Clee Miller to celebrate the 25 years as a Presbyterian Church.

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