Last Monday, at the Boy Scout Troop 202 meeting at the American Legion Post in Topsham, one of the Eagle Scouts, named Teddy, told me they had toys to donate to the Santa Claus Fund.

The Scouts had set out collection boxes at various stores and banks in the area during the year. There are only 11 Scouts in the troop. Two of them are, or are about to become, Eagle Scouts, the crowning achievement in Scouting. Congratulations, boys.

The troop has been very busy. They donated to the Barbara Bush’s Children Center at Maine Medical Center enough teddy bears to fill a straight body truck. If I heard the boys correctly, it was several thousand teddy bears. That is amazing.

And they didn’t stop there. They filled a pickup truck with 11 boxes of assorted games, toys, dolls, puzzles and crafts. I was completely surprised by the Scouts’ donation. It was totally unexpected. I estimated the value at more than $1,000. I can’t thank you boys enough. Our kids will certainly have a better Christmas thanks to your hard work.

I also want to thank the parents and the Scout leaders who donate their time and counsel to these young through their developmental years. You have a great bunch of kids at Troop 202.

— We received several material donations this week. The Mid Coast Retired Educators Association stopped by the Elks Lodge and dropped off a large donation of assorted books, stuffed animals, sleepwear, watches, Legos sets, a horseshoe set, Hot Wheels, geometric stackers, hats and gloves, markers, pens, erasers, tubby toys, assorted games, including checkers. Thank you, Mid Coast Retired Educators association.

Otto gave us six knit hats and one plush toy, thank you Ann. An anonymous donation brought craft kits, backpacks, a doll, mini-dolls and other assorted toys. Tom Elliott Jr. brought the volunteers coffee and doughnuts. Thank you, Tom. Cheryl Pinkam sent 216 infant knit caps and 161 pair of mittens. Great job, Cheryl. Thanks to The Gulf of Maine Book Store for its donation of the $70 in sales tax on our purchase there. Gwen Alexander made and donated 25 handknit fun fur scarves in memory of Linda Snow, Bertha, Jim Sr. and Glen Howard. Thank you, Gwen.


— We received several donations today. The Veterans of Foreign Wars at The Rev. Joseph Lammare Memorial Post 2197 donated $100. Robert Frost Jr. and Sondra K. Carrigan sent us $50. Elizabeth Niven donated $150. Florence Weeks donated $50. Another $50 was donated in loving memory of their son, Patrick Peaslee, by Tim and Cheryl Peaslee. Elizabeth S. Newman gave $25 in memory of Hugh Leavitt. Hammond Lumber Co. donated $50. David and Sandy Daigle donated $50. And Peggy and Octave Thiboutot donated $50. Thank you everyone for your generosity.

Our total for today is $575. That makes our grand total $3,725. We are inching upward toward that goal of $30,000.

If you would like to help and join our team, please send a tax-deductible donation to The Santa Claus Fund Inc. at P.O. Box 278, Brunswick, ME 04011. We will publish your donation in the next report.

— The kid count today was 17 boys and 15 girls. That is 32 more to add to our new total. We now have 84 boys and 84 girls, giving us a new total of 168 children. Our volunteers love every minute of it, too.

The time is now to get your letters mailed to the Santa Claus Fund. The volunteers are ready to process your requests. We need to hear from you soon.

The last day to process your letters is Dec. 17. That’s only 12 days away.


Send letters to the Santa Claus Fund Inc. at P.O. Box 278, Brunswick, ME 04011.

Include your full name, your address and a phone number. Then list your children by name, gives us their dates of birth, and their gender.

Contact us a few days after mailing the letter at 319-4785. Our staff will provide you with a carton number and a time and place to pick up your package. Please be prepared to provide a photo ID when picking up your package.


Send your letters by Dec. 17 to the Santa Claus Fund Inc., P.O. Box 278, Brunswick, ME 04011. Put your name, address and phone number at the top of the page. Then list the names, the gender and the dates of birth of your children.

THE SANTA CLAUS FUND reports are contributed by coordinator Dave Desjardins, known by volunteers as “the head elf.”

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