Thanks to the Varneys

A generous donation was recently made to Windham Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a local non-profit group which assists Windham residents with emergency need of fuel. Accompanying the donation was this note: “The Varney family (Marcia and Earlon’s children) had our family Christmas party on Saturday and took a collection, vs. buying each other gifts, and this donation is made on our behalf to benefit those in our community. Thank you for all you do! Stacy Varney.” The Neighbors group greatly appreciates this kindness that will help someone who has no place to turn in this cold weather. Donations (in any amount) to benefit your neighbors in need of fuel may be made to Windham Neighbors Helping Neighbors, c/o Norma Rogers, Treasurer, PO Box 1956, Windham, ME 04062.

Community Cafe? Christmas

On Thursday, Dec. 13, a Christmas Party will be held at the Community Cafe?, at Unity Gardens on Tandberg Trail. Music will be by Bob Gendreau and prizes and a 50/50 raffle will be held. The menu includes roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, veggie, rolls and dessert ? from Al’s Catering of Scarborough. Donation for age 60-plus is $5, under 60, $7. Reservations required. Call Virginia Billings by Dec. 10, 892-3891.

Need Help ?at Christmas?

If a Windham family needs help at Christmas, applications are available at the Food Pantry. Proof of residence is necessary if you are not a current client. Application deadline is Monday, Dec. 10. Call Madeline at 892-1931 for more information.


Marriage Intentions

Recent marriage intentions from Windham Town Clerk’s office: Stephen C. Janowski & Meagan L. Johndro, both of Windham; Nicholas M. Pelletier and Karen L. Manson, both of Worcester, Mass.; Alexander J. Spalding and Megan M. Sloan, both of Windham; and Jeremiah C. Schaffner and Nikia L. Vachon, both of Windham.

Democrats Meet

The Windham Democratic Town Committee will hold its regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. at Windham Public Library. For more information, contact Mark Bryant at 892-6591

Loan Closet ?Needs Help

The Windham Loan Closet is in need of transfer chairs, shower seats and wheelchairs. If you have borrowed one of these items and no longer need it, or if you have one to donate, call the Town Office at 892-1907. A volunteer will call to arrange a time to meet you. The Windham Loan Closet is located at 221 Windham Center Road. Area residents may borrow medical equipment or donate equipment they are no longer using.


Winter Hours – Historical Society

Effective immediately, the Windham Historical Society will be open by appointment through the winter. The cost of keeping the headquarters heated is cost-prohibitive and will be closed to the public except by appointment. Call Linda at 650-7484, Dave at 892-3106, or e-mail Kay at if you wish to do research or visit.

VFW Meets

Windham Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10643 will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at the Windham Veterans Center. Supper at 5 p.m. followed by meeting at 6 p.m. The Veterans Center is on Memorial Drive, enter off Route 302 before Friendly’s and continue past the mall until you reach the end of the road.

Time to Play Santa!

How can you help? Do you know someone who needs help? If you would like to help at Christmas time, call Madeline Roberts (Windham Food Pantry) at 892-1931. The Toy Workshop is Dec. 15 – not much time left! Want to adopt a family? Call Madeline! Ron Eby, of Windham Automotive, is holding a toy drive again this year and gifts or gift cards (especially ideal for teens) can be dropped off at Ron’s or the Food Pantry. Check with Madeline for details and together, let’s make sure all Windham children enjoy the holidays this year.


Craft Fair

On Saturday, Dec. 8, a craft fair will be held at Highland Lake Grange from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Grange is at the corner of Route 302 and Hardy Road. Featured will be baked goods, handcrafted items, jewelry, pottery, Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, baby items, Paparazzi items, jams, pickles, salsa and hot sausage and more.

Teens and Tweens

TNT Club (for Tweens ’n Teens!) meets after school, 2:30-3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 13, at Windham Public Library. This is a free program for ages 10-18. Activities include talking about books we’ve read, audios we’ve listened to and activities including games, crafts or baking – and munching on a snack. This month’s topic is Award Winning Books. This month’s activity is crafts with Miss Ellen! For more information, contact Miss Barbara or Miss Sally at 892-1908 or

Senior Center

Lakes Region Senior Center, 40 Acorn St, Little Falls School, Gorham, is open Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and welcomes all Lakes Region senior citizens. This is a drop-in center and members can join in many daily activities including cribbage, Pickleball, a weight loss encouragement group, Bingo (Thursdays at 10 a.m.) and other games. On Saturday, Dec. 15, LRSC will be at the Windham Shaw’s and Walgreen’s for a fundraiser. Coupon books will be available to purchase for $10 and the value will range from $40 to $80. These would make great stocking stuffers or save one for yourself.


Help for Veterans, Dependents

Veterans Service Officer Phyllis D’Orsay will be at the Windham Veterans Center on Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m. until noon, to assist veterans, widows of veterans and dependents with questions about benefits and other information. If you have questions of a military nature, stop in and get some answers. No appointment is needed.

Senior Assistance

On Tuesdays, Dec. 18 and Jan. 15, the Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA) will offer a Medicare seminar and counseling for the Lakes Region at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church at 919 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. A “Welcome to Medicare” seminar is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon. In addition to the Medicare seminar, there will be one-on-one counseling with volunteer Medicare advocates available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The seminar and counseling are intended to help you sort through your Medicare options, answer questions – and to help you enroll. In addition to Medicare assistance, counseling on tax and rent rebate, food stamps, and fuel assistance can be arranged. Please call the Southern Maine Agency on Aging to register for an upcoming seminar or to make a one-on-one appointment with a Medicare Advocate at 396-6500 or 1-800-427-7411. Walk-ins can usually be accommodated. Further opportunities for these services will occur monthly on the first and third Tuesdays at the same times and location. Visit the website at to learn more about the many other services that are available.

Update on Book

My book, “The Days Gone By in Windham,” has been delayed – and I apologize to those who have emailed, called or just plain wondered. I’ll get it done just as soon as I can but realistically, the first of the year. If anyone would like their money back, send me an email at, or if you want to order ahead, let me know that also! Thanks for your patience.

The Strout house, a view from the back, is one of the new oil paintings by Windham resident and former town councilor, Liz Wisecup, on display at the Windham Public Library through January. The Strout house once stood next to the library but was torn down last year by the school department. An Adult Education class six years ago with artist, Pat Riley, sparked Wisecup’s interest in learning how to paint. The current exhibit shows varied subjects including a cowboy, old houses in Windham, still life, and landscapes. For more information, library hours, or directions, call the library at 892-1908.   

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