NEW YORK — Barbara Walters says she’s returning to “The View” on Monday.

She’s been sidelined for several weeks. But now she’s “had enough rest and it’s time to come back,” Walters reported by phone during Tuesday’s edition of the ABC talk show.

Walters was hospitalized on Jan. 19 after fainting and cutting her head at a party in Washington. The 83-year-old said she had chickenpox and a fever at the time but didn’t realize it. She suffered a concussion and got six stitches. Since late January, she has been resting in her New York home.

“No more chickenpox,” she told her fellow panelists in the studio during her phone call.

Lawyer urges leniency for Lindsay Lohan

LOS ANGELES — Lindsay Lohan’s attorney suggests that the actress serve as a motivational speaker and perform non-jail activities to resolve her latest criminal case.


In a letter to the court, lawyer Mark Heller states that Lohan’s turbulent home life requires a different approach in the case.

The actress plans to spend time recording PSAs and make “periodic visits to schools, hospitals and other venues where she may provide inspirational talks, encouraging children to pursue positive goals and avoid bad habits,” states the letter.

Lohan’s latest case returns to court on Friday. She faces misdemeanor charges of reckless driving, lying to police and obstructing officers from performing their duties.

Lohan could face 245 days in jail if she is found to be in violation of her probation.


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