I cannot believe how many rewrites I have done for this week’s column due to breaking scandals committed within and by our federal government. I see our country moving away from the beliefs of its Founding Fathers and the foundation upon which the United States was founded, which is taxation without representation.

I personally have come to the conclusion that we have a president and Congress that have forgotten why the Constitution of the United States was written and that they are supposed to enforce it.

We have government and elected officials at all levels that have become less popular than a full diaper on board a crowded airplane. (I love the saying that politicians and diapers are full of the same thing.)

Our government in Washington, D.C., has become so dysfunctional that we might as well do away with every branch of the government and leave the U.S. Supreme Court to run our lives right into the ground. It would be a whole lot cheaper because everything done by Congress or the president seems to end up at the Supreme Court anyway.

America, the land of the free, has become a total joke. We have government agencies like the Internal Revenue Service harassing and suppressing opponents of the president’s reelection and I wonder why. This is the same agency that will be implementing and monitoring America’s next Big Dig into our wallets, ObamaScare, which was once known as the Affordable Health Care Act. Yep, the very agency that depends upon citizens to complete truthful income tax returns will now depend upon us to be honest once again when we are forced, just like under a communist government, to pay for something we do not want. The IRS has publicly stated it expects us to be good citizens so ObamaCare will be implemented under the belief all Americans are honest. Too bad that doesn’t apply for politicians because we know how honest they are (wink, wink).

ObamaCare scares me because it is just another means by which the federal government can monitor our every move just like the National Security Administration is doing with our telephone calls, emails and God knows what else. If you think the IRS is the only branch of the federal government harassing conservative groups, then you should take a good look at the Federal Election Commission. And only God knows what the FBI, CIA and the Department of Homeland Security are doing to spy on us.


But, and this is a real big but, there comes the possibility that Congress will empower more federal agencies to ensure we become robots enslaved by even more federal regulations. I am not kidding, just look up a federal program called E-Verify when it comes to employers and employees. This program exists but is not mandatory yet. But if the Senate’s version of immigration reform comes to pass, employers and employees will have to go through the federal government to be able to go to work and be able to hire a worker. If that proposed law comes into being, we will no longer live in the land of the free.

In the last 24 hours, scandals involving the Drug Enforcement Agency and the FBI have broken. The DEA has been accused of withholding evidence and how evidence was collected from defense attorneys. The FBI authorized its informants to commit crimes. According to the USA Today, more than 5,000 crimes were committed in one year that included “selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies.”

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” These are words inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty. There is nothing more reprehensible to me than a government that monitors every aspect of our electronic world, controls our medical care and soon, even our employment.

Lane Hiltunen, of Windham, wonders when the sheeple will wake up and revolt.

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