Forecaster Sports Editor part of high school preview show

Forecaster Sports Editor Michael Hoffer will join Kalle Oakes of the Sun Journal and Travis Lee on WMTW Channel 8’s Blitz 8 high school football show Thursday at 7 p.m.

U. Maine women’s soccer hosting clinic, game at Deering

The University of Maine women’s soccer team will hold a free, one-hour skills clinic for high school girls Saturday at 10 a.m., at Deering High’s Memorial Field. The clinic gives high school players the opportunity to meet and work with players and coaches from the state’s only Division I program. Following the clinic, the Black Bears take on the Harvard Crimson at 1 pm. Admission is free to both the clinic and the game.

PAYSA registration open

Registration is open for the Portland Area Youth Soccer Association fall recreation program for children ages 5 to 11. The program is divided by age and boys and girls play separately. Register soon to ensure placement. FMI,

Trail to Ale race upcoming

The 14th annual Portland Trails “Trails to Ale” 10K race/walk will be held Sunday, Sept. 22 in Portland. Registration is $30. FMI and to register,

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