BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Hundreds of people black and white, many holding hands, filled an Alabama church that was bombed by the Ku Klux Klan 50 years ago Sunday.

Together they marked the anniversary of the blast that killed four little girls and became a landmark moment in the struggle for civil rights.

The Rev. Arthur Price taught the same Sunday school lesson that members of the 16th Street Baptist Church heard the morning of the bombing — “A Love That Forgives.”

Then, the rusty old church bell tolled four times as the girls’ names were read.

Bombing survivor Sarah Collins Rudolph, who lost her right eye and sister Addie Mae Collins in the blast, stood by as members laid a wreath at the spot where the dynamite device was placed along an outside wall.

Rudolph was 12 at the time, and her family left the church after the bombing.


Rudolph said it was important to return in memory of her sister, who was 14, and the three other girls who died: Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley Morris, both 14, and Denise McNair, 11.

“God spared me to live and tell just what happened on that day,” said Rudolph, who testified against the Klansmen convicted years later in the bombing.

Congregation members and visitors sang the old hymn “Love Lifted Me” and joined hands in prayer.

The somber Sunday school lesson was followed by a raucous, packed worship service with gospel music and believers waving their hands.

During the sermon, the Rev. Julius Scruggs of Huntsville, president of the National Baptist Convention USA, said, “God said you may murder four little girls, but you won’t murder the dream of justice and liberty for all.”


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