Great Outdoor Weekend

All day, all over Maine

Events will take place from sunrise to twilight at state parks, land trusts and venues hosted by outdoor organizations in celebration of Great Maine Outdoor Weekend. Go to to learn more.


Turtle Tuesday


2 p.m. in Bangor

Join Bangor Land Trust and turtle rehabilitator Jean Adamson for an indoor presentation on Maine’s turtles. The talk will be at the land trust’s downtown office at 8 Harlow St. in Bangor. For more information, call 942-1010 or go to


Birding Tales

7 p.m. Oct. 15, Wells

In 2012, five York County Audubon Society members ventured to an island birding mecca 1,500 miles from mainland Alaska. They will share their adventure with an evening of stories. No cost. All welcome at the Mather Auditorium of Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm. Go to for more info.

— Compiled by Deirdre Fleming

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