Clouds greet Mainers this morning as a weak disturbance moves through the area.    When meteorologists use the word disturbance, not storm, it’s usually a change in wind direction and speed some level above 10,000 feet causing the issue.  Today’s "disturbance" is moving by at around 18,000 feet.  

If you want to discuss weather, climate or gardening or even education please find me on Twitter at @growingwisdom Please follow me there. Feel free to comment or ask questions too.

If you were to be in a plane, flying through this area, you would feel some turbulence and the pilot would no doubt be illuminating the seatbelt sign.  Since the disturbance is quite weak, we are only seeing clouds and just the chance of a sprinkle or snow flurry.
October has been a tremendously tranquil month in the weather department following on the heels of a similar type of month.  The lack of rain continues to freak me out, however.  Portland and surrounding areas are closing in on 4 inches of rain below average for October.  There If you planted or moved anything this fall, be sure you are still watering it well about once a week.
Game 6 of the World Series takes place tonight and the weather will cooperate.   Temperatures will fall through the 40s during the game, but without much wind, it won’t be too cold.  Skies will be partly cloudy.
A storm brought snow to the far west earlier this week, but is now causing freezing rain and sleet further east into the Dakotas.  That weather system will eventually end up bringing some very mild air to New England on a strong southerly wind.  This mild area arrives just in time for the night of gathering candy for the kids.
Halloween looks to be mild with a chance of a few showers at the end of the evening.   The later the kids go out and the further west you live, the better chance the ghosts and goblins may need raincoats to go along with their costumes. Temperatures will stay in the 50s for trick or treaters a welcome change from the evenings the past few days.
Friday brings the wind and warmth.  I can see some areas getting close to 65F with a gusty southerly flow of air.  The winds will be strong enough to blow many of the leaves around and take many more remaining ones off the trees.
As a cold front moves into the area, showers will become more numerous although the bulk of the rain will stay west of the coastline.   It appears much of eastern New England could see 1/3rd to half inch of rain, but more is likely further west.   At this point in the fall, I will take any rain we can get.
The weekend should bring a return to dry and colder conditions quite typical for November. Saturday will be the warmer day of the weekend and with sunshine, a terrific day for yard work or watching a football game.  
Sunday will still be a nice day, but you can knock about 8 degrees off the temperatures as a cold front will have allowed chillier air to spill into the region.
Gardening this week
For me fall is a time of year I tend to cook more.  My cooking also changes somewhat as the garden is not producing as much and there are different things available in the stores.  With the heat of summer gone, I can make more stews and sauces that need to cook longer without the far of heating up the kitchen.   This week, my video shows how to make an easy tomato sauce that is sure to impress.

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