We would like to thank the voters of Regional School Unit 1 for their support of the school construction bond question in the recent election. We especially appreciate the efforts of the parents and volunteers who worked so vigorously to inform their friends, families and neighbors about these needed improvements that are essential to safety, accreditation and security. We appreciate the work of our staff, especially our facilities director, Dave Richards, who spent countless hours to educate and inform our committees and the voting public about these needs.

While this bond will be used to address some of the major deficiencies in our schools, it is by no means a long-term solution. The Board of Directors has made a commitment to focus on our facilities, and in the coming months the board will be reaching out to the community to discuss the long-term future of our high school and our elementary schools. We encourage all voters to continue to be engaged with us as we move forward to provide the highest quality education to our students in facilities that we all can be proud of. Your vote and your voice matter to us, and to the students that we serve.

Tim Harkins, chairman
RSU 1 Board of Directors

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