Stephen Colvin arrived at Sugarloaf Mountain in Carrabassett Valley shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday. An avid skier, Colvin looked forward to his Tuesdays off from classes at Husson University in Bangor so he and friends could spend the day on the mountain, according to friend and teammate Matt Pellerin, who was on the slopes with him that morning.

Colvin died Tuesday after he lost control on his skis and crashed into trees off Hayburner trail, a black diamond trail that’s among the most difficult at Sugarloaf. Colvin, of Hoosick, N.Y., was skiing with a couple of members from the Husson football team including Pellerin, one of Colvin’s first friends on the team.

“He was fearless and is the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it,” Pellerin said Thursday.

Pellerin said he and Colvin, both of whom transferred to Husson University in the fall, started a friendship immediately. Colvin was majoring in environmental science.

“We just hit it off right away,” Pellerin said, adding that he had skied with Colvin about 10 times this season. “The whole first semester all we talked about was being able to go to Sugarloaf at least once a week because we didn’t have classes on Tuesday. He told me skiing was his favorite thing to do in the world.”

A linebacker for the Husson football team, Colvin registered 12 tackles and two sacks this past season.


“The Husson football team is deeply saddened by Steve’s passing,” head coach Gabby Price said in a statement. “Steve’s attitude, caring spirit, determination and acceptance of all people will be greatly missed by everyone at Husson.”

A memorial service for students and faculty is planned for noon Friday at Peabody Hall on Husson’s campus.

Colvin and Pellerin, both 21, along with another Husson football player, left campus about 6 a.m. Tuesday to get in a full day’s skiing. On their second run of the morning, a little before 9:30 a.m., the trio was on Hayburner trail.

“We were taking our time, going down and stopping every 100 yards or so,” Pellerin said. “Then we stopped right above a part where (the trail) turns to the right so we knew where we were going. (Colvin) was going down first, going around the turn and he caught an edge and it sent him into the trees.” Colvin was not wearing a helmet.

“The other guy from the team is a nursing major, so he jumped down and tried to help (Colvin) and I got ski patrol,” Pellerin said.

Colvin “loved to be in the outdoors and go hunting and fishing,” Pellerin said. “He was an environmental science major and you could tell it was something he was passionate about.”

Pellerin said Colvin always wore a smile and was “always trying to get the most out of life.”

“I’ve had many friends in my short life,” Pellerin said, “but I’ll never find a friend more unique than Steve.”

Jesse Scardina — 861-9239 Twitter: @jessescardina

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