Looking ahead to the primary election June 10, we are supporting the re-nomination of John Tuttle for Maine Senate in District 3.

One of the Democrats elected in the 2012 Democratic surge, he has proven to be a legislative leader with a strong voice on grass-roots issues. He has a 100 percent rating for supporting working families and the environment.

John has always been one of the champions for veterans in Augusta. (It was his leadership that helped establish the Southern Maine Veterans Cemetery.)

As chair of the Senate Veterans Committee, he has recently sponsored the veterans’ preference-in-hiring law, approved unanimously by the Legislature. He also sponsored the law calling on the federal government to recognize disabilities suffered by Maine soldiers who were exposed to Agent Orange at a military base in Canada.

A member of the Judiciary Committee, he has worked, too, for increased security at York County Superior Court in Alfred.

We all know the difficulty that the state Legislature has had dealing with Gov. Paul LePage’s budgetary initiatives to reverse state revenue-sharing for local communities.


John has voted with the Democratic majority to restore appropriations to the cities and towns faced with budget cuts and/or tax increases and has helped bring his Republican colleagues to vote with the Democrats to provide the necessary two-thirds plus vote to override the LePage veto.

When Mike Michaud is our next Maine governor, Sen. John Tuttle will be in the right place to facilitate the enactment of bills that this state so desperately needs in order to grow the middle class – meaning homeowners, professionals, small-business owners and workers.

Please join us in voting for state Sen. John Tuttle in the coming Democratic primary election.

Fred and Barbara Boyle


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