A rather wide variety of weather across the areas the past 24 hours with heat, humidity, rain, thunder, cool marine air and some sunshine all taking place.

The good news is that most areas saw some significant rain the past 24 hours. It takes very little time for the top soil to dry out right now and rain showers every few days is a big help.

The Doppler radar meteorologists use has the ability to estimate how much rain has fallen during a storm. This mode is also used to estimate snowfall in the winter. Of course, this mode won’t be as good as an actual rain gauge, but does give a good overview. The rain from Wednesday night and early Thursday added up to impressive numbers in places. If you look at the map below you can see a small area just north of Keene, New Hampshire received close to 6 inches of rain or about 2 months worth.

rain north

The other interesting aspect of our latest rain event is how some areas didn’t get much all. This is typical of rainfall between roughly June 15th and early September when most of the precipitation comes from showers and is scattered enough so some areas see no rain while other see a lot more.

I’ll be updating the forecast @growingwisdom on Twitter.

The next few days bring great weather to the region with an abundance of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. It’s going to be another few days of ideal summer weather with low humidity and warm readings in the afternoon.


Another bonus to the dry weather is the good weather for sleeping. The map below shows a forecast for Friday morning around 7AM. Notice most areas in the lower 60s. I suspect some 50s as well, but the point is you can leave your windows open and enjoy the dry air.

friday 7am

During the afternoon Friday highs will reach the 70s which seems cool to some of you, but the strong late June sun will make it feel much warmer.

If you want to head to the beach the next few days tides are coming up on high around noon. They shift forward just under an hour each cycle and there are usually two high tides in a 24 hour period. Therefore, if the tide is high at 11AM tomorrow, it’s high Saturday just before noon and then on Sunday after 1PM.

friday high

Water temperatures are mostly in the 60s although there have been some 70 plus readings showing up on the south side of Cape Cod at times. This warmer water will continue to expand north in the coming weeks.

Eventually, around Tuesday of next week the humidity and heat will return. It doesn’t look like a prolonged spell of hot weather, but will last a few days. I’m not sure exactly when the heat will break or for that matter exactly when it arrives, but you get the general idea. I expect another chance of showers in the middle of next week and hopefully we clear out for next Friday, the 4th. Stay tuned.

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