The real story in the June 22 Sunday Telegram front-page gubernatorial poll results (“Unsure voters put LePage, Michaud in dead heat”) was back on Page A9 in response to the question “How certain are you?” Only 34 percent of poll respondents said they are “definitely decided,” with 18 percent leaning toward someone, and a full 48 percent up for grabs.

That is great news for us Eliot Cutler supporters because it shows that many anti-LePage voters are assessing Eliot as their option – and waiting to see how things look in the fall.

The question for Maine voters this fall is really not who can beat Paul LePage. It is who will be the most effective leader for the state.

Paul LePage has amply demonstrated in almost four years in Augusta that he is not capable of working with others, even in his own party, to craft an effective prescription for Maine’s economy. It is time for him to leave the sandbox to others.

Mike Michaud has few executive skills and fewer good ideas from his many years in Congress. A Michaud-led state would harness us too closely to organized labor, an aversion to difficult choices and tired fiscal choices.

Eliot Cutler has brought energy and ideas to the race. He alone of the candidates has proposed economic and education policies that have a chance to finally get Maine moving again. Moreover, he is the kind of leader who can pull coalitions together and make things happen.

This is for you 48 percent out there still trying to decide which way to vote. If you want to see Maine become a place where there are good jobs for our young people, give Eliot Cutler a hard look. You will not be disappointed.

Ron Bancroft


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