While thousands of words could be written about this situation that our mayor has so courageously joined in, it would behoove us all to learn who is what when discussing this issue. I leave it up to fellow citizens to learn what an immigrant is and what an illegal alien is. Our mayor seems to have joined in without a very important question being asked. No one appears bothered to ask it: What if the governor is correct?

At this point no one knows for sure. What we have is an attorney general with an opinion like the one she has on everything that is contrary to the governor’s. We have the honorable Mayor Michael Brennan, “Bloomberg Lite,” of Portland, whose opinion is the same as the AG’s. That would be anything against the administration with no thought of the taxpayers of Maine. By the way, Portland will never fail to appreciate the availability of Westbrook when it comes time to clean out another neighborhood.

So we venture forward into a litigation or threat of one without definitive knowledge if the governor is correct or not. I am sure this will cost the taxpayers of Westbrook nothing. Actually, I suppose there is a chance we could be on the winning side, although historically Westbrook isn’t. It is extremely late for the city administrator to recommend joining for fear of a lawsuit from anyone. The city of Westbrook is probably a couple of million plus beyond learning those lessons. Well, winning will mean spending more funds.

By the latest report in the Press Herald we have spent less than previously for general assistance to the persons in question. That is good. Like so many things this is couched in ways to make people think certain factions are mean or whatever for political purposes. It is not that anyone wants to deny legitimate assistance to anyone who needs it. It is we cannot afford to be expending taxpayer dollars on those who illegitimately do not qualify for it. But have no fear, if the governor is correct, the mayor will ask everybody to keep paying.

Let us not forget the Maine Municipal Association only exists because of our tax dollars funding them from member communities.

I give Westbrook Councilor Rairdon credit for his no vote. The others at least did it in public, which the Portland council did not.

Bruce B. Libby


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