Sylvan launches Windham branch

Sylvan Learning Centers of Maine has announced the recent opening of a satellite location in Windham as well as the hiring of Jessica Carle and Jennifer Breton as instructors. Both teachers are graduates of the University of Southern Maine, and hold professional certifications in elementary education. They will be teaching courses that include academic reading, math essentials, and academic writing programs, which are aligned with the Common Core standards.

Class of 1948

The class of 1948 of Windham High School held its 66th reunion recently at DiSanto’s Restaurant in Gray. Everyone had a wonderful time reminiscing and catching up on the news. Attending were Janet and John Harrison, Marilyn Thompson and Ken Atherton, Arkie Rogers and daughter, Jolene; Wally and Charlotte Wyman, Wes McLellan, Elizabeth Wilson (Betty Corson), and Herb and Audrey Woodbrey. The next reunion will be held at the same place, at noon on Aug. 9, 2015.

Church Supper

On Saturday, Aug. 16, a pot roast supper will be served at Raymond Village Community Church from 5-6:30 p.m. The menu includes sliced pot roast, carrots, mashed potato, gravy, green beans, rolls, beverage and brownie sundaes. $9 for adults, $5 for children. The church is at 27 Main St., Raymond Village.


Windham Veterans Recognition Day

The Military Museum in South Portland has designated Tuesday, Aug. 19, as Windham Veterans Recognition Day.

American Legion Post 148 and the VFW Post in Windham have set up free bus transportation to and from the museum leaving the Windham Veterans Center, North Windham, at 10 a.m. for those in need of a ride. Museum tours will be from 11a.m.-2 p.m. There will also be a free lunch for the vets with return transportation arriving at 3 p.m. at the WVC. This is a great opportunity to visit the museum and displays from all wars with specific emphasis on World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Family and caregivers are also welcome. For more information and to get a bus reservation call Dave at 892-1306 or Chuck at 892-4720.

Lobster Dinner

The Kiwanis Club is holding its annual lobster dinner on Saturday, Aug. 23, from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Little Meeting House, on Route 302 near the intersection of Route 115. The menu includes lobster, corn-on-the cob, coleslaw, chips, dessert, beverage. $15 per person.

Dolls on Display


An assortment of dolls from the collection of Lydia March will be on display at Windham Public Library, through Oct. 3. Nearly two dozen dolls are shown, representing the history of the United States and various cultures from around the world. She began collecting them when she was 6 years old, after a great-aunt sent her some of the dolls. The Windham Public Library is located at 217 Windham Center Road.

Veterans Service Officer

VSO Jerry Smith is available from 9 a.m.-noon on Wednesday, Aug. 26, and every second and fourth Wednesday morning at the Windham Veterans Center in North Windham. If you’re a veteran or a veteran’s dependent, and have questions about benefits, or other similar topics, stop in and find out more. No appointment is necessary.

Time for Backpacks

The Windham Food Pantry is getting ready for its annual “Back to School Backpack Program.” If you are interested in helping a child in need, please contact Colette Gagnon at 892-1931. If you are a parent of a child in need of a backpack/school supplies, please contact Windham Social Services at 892-1906.

Art Show


Artwork by John R. Sell, a resident of Gray, will be exhibited at Windham Public Library through October. The abstract pieces on display are mixed media, with found objects incorporated into them. He is a Fellow Artist of ASAA and a member of many artist organizations, and his work is displayed at various museums.

Baked Bean Supper

On Saturday, Aug. 30, a free community meal will be served from 4:30-6 p.m. at Christ Chapel, 37 Northern Pines Road, Raymond. The meal is served buffet style and includes baked beans, hot dogs, Kielbasa, casseroles, salads, soup, desserts and beverages. All surrounding communities and all ages are welcome.

Name That Foal!

Two colts at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals on River Road are growing like weeds, waiting to be adopted and need names. Help the Society select names for the two colts at the River Road barns. All you have to do is complete a Baby Name Ballot and send it to the MSSPA before Sept. 13. This is your invitation to be creative. You may just want to visit the farm and observe these two up-close and personal before submitting your entries. Download your ballots at or visit the farm and complete ballots while you are there.

Smart Driver Class


Register by Aug. 23 for AARP Smart Driver Course to be presented at the library Aug. 27, from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. for drivers 50 and older. Advance registration no later than Aug. 23 is requested. Class size is limited and registrations are accepted first-come, first served. To register, phone John Hammon, volunteer instructor, at (207) 655-4943. The registration fee is $15 for AARP members, $20 for others. More information may be found on the Internet at

Senior Center

Lakes Region Senior Center is at White Rock Grange, 33 Wilson Road (off Route 237), Gorham, and is open Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Activities include games, crafts, bingo and exercise programs. Call 892-0298 for more information. All Lakes Region senior citizens are welcome to drop in and visit.

Members of the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, Aug. 6, with owner Heidi Hilton of Juliet’s Clothing, located at 679 Roosevelt Trail in Windham. American Legion Department of Maine Historian Ronald Caron, at right,presents the first place Department of Maine, Legion Post Newsletter Award to Field-Allen Post 148 at a ceremony held Aug. 7 at the Windham Veterans Center. Accepting for the post is the newsletter’s editor, Dave Tanguay. This is the second consecutive first-place award for the post’s newsletter. 

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