Instead of the Maine People’s Alliance and other feel-good organizations continuing to use their energy to lobby for an increase in the minimum wage, saying it victimizes women and the poor, why isn’t it encouraging some of those poorly paid people to apply for the jobs that are currently available at the alliance?

Currently there are three available jobs at the MPA: campus outreach coordinator, phone organizers and field canvassers. There is an increase in men seeking jobs as wait staff because of the tips, yet the MPA continues to criticize food service jobs.

As a woman and, for many years, a single parent, I’ve worked multiple jobs at a time to make ends meet for my family. I urge other single parents and all women and men who are seeking to better their financial situations to work more than one job if you can.

If waitressing isn’t cutting it completely, then perhaps work that job for the supplemental income rather than as your primary job. Working full time is difficult enough, I realize, but if places like the Maine People’s Alliance are offering a great wage, then you should apply!

The point of my letter is for all to be aware of the political agenda of the MPA and other groups that are continually stirring the pot in our system.

If the MPA and others wanted to solve our income dilemmas for us, then they should be offering a chance for us at one of their great-paying job openings or steering us in the direction of other great-paying jobs and telling us how to attain those jobs.

Minimum wage is never enough to live on. The MPA should be helping us with information to improve our chances of better employment. Why trust organizations that do not give us the information to improve our situations?

Linda Wooten


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