Recently there has been a lot of flap about plastic bags used at our grocery stores and that there will be charges in the future for these bags in Portland. The push is for shoppers to use the reusable bags, but I think we should give that some more thought.

The “reusable bags” should be renamed “biohazard containers” because what is placed inside – items such as milk, half and half, produce and every canned good or grocery item off the shelf during a shopping trip – contributes to the “colony” in the bag.

How often are these bags cleaned, and how thoroughly are they cleaned? If you ask a grocery clerk, some will tell you about some really smelly bags shoppers use. There is a better way.

We could use a container that is biodegradable, multipurpose and an economic stimulus. You may have guessed that it is the paper bag. Just imagine a Maine paper mill making paper bags.

Who would have thunk it? The plain brown paper bag can be used to soak up excess oil from doughnuts, ripen tomatoes, remove candle wax from clothing and many other uses the readers may be aware of.

In closing, I would add that my local Hannaford store has these bags and if you ask, your groceries will be packed in the “brown paper bag,” something you can feel good about on several levels.

H. David Cotta


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