In “Maine Voices: Eliot Cutler should set a date to get out of the race if he can’t win” (Oct. 4), Peter Murray states that he thinks independent Eliot Cutler is the best candidate and would make the best governor.

If Cutler doesn’t look like a sure winner before Election Day, Murray would switch his vote to an inferior candidate, Democrat Mike Michaud, and would want Cutler to drop out of race.

There’s even the implied threat of no future political support or the reward of political appointment depending on what Cutler does.

Eliot Cutler is too strong a person to be swayed by this kind of coercion.

If Murray really supports who he thinks is the best candidate and what’s best for Maine, then he should be campaigning for Cutler and writing columns suggesting that Michaud drop out and throw his support to Cutler.

Mike, how about it?

Alan Leathers

Cape Elizabeth

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