Conscientious voters will try to choose a governor who’ll improve job growth, protect our environment and use limited tax dollars wisely. Maine needs a governor who isn’t indebted to a party or special-interest PACs but has specific plans, the experience, the brain power and the imagination to work for the greater good.

How can we determine which candidate will do this?

TV ads are too one-sided and brief to provide meaningful information. Candidate websites are helpful but slanted to that candidate’s advantage. Five debates (Oct. 8-21) will certainly help.

But the thorough, unbiased series on the governor’s race that ran in the Portland papers and is now online is an excellent source of information for voters who want the best for Maine. Read “The working life of Eliot Cutler” (Sept. 14) – you’ll see that Cutler, an independent, is the one.

Be brave. Be independent. Be right. Vote for Eliot Cutler.

Terri Hibbard


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