With a month until the election, campaign ads have already gone to new heights of fear-mongering.

If you believe the ads:

 A vote for 2nd District Democrat Emily Cain is a vote to help ISIS terrorists.

 Mike Michaud is standing at the York toll plaza handing out $1 million checks to every illegal immigrant who sneaks in to snatch all those great jobs here.

 While the facts are that unicorns have mauled as many Mainers in documented history as bears have, our state wildlife biologists and game wardens want you to know that a “Yes on 1” vote will almost certainly lead to “attacks.”

Why should we believe/obey them unquestioningly? Because they have uniforms, of course!

If your votes in November are cast out of fear instead of reason, all you’ve done is prove right those who have a low opinion of the American electorate’s intellectual strength.

Jeremy Smith

Old Orchard Beach

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