Kathleen Parker’s column “Republican ‘war on women’ is a war that never was” (Oct. 7) asserts that this claim is based only on abortion rights and admits that Republicans have restricted reproductive health care in several states.

Let’s list several other areas where Republicans have made a concerted effort against women:

They have tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has created equal conditions in health insurance coverage for the first time.

 Women are overwhelmingly in favor of stronger gun control laws and are far more likely to suffer serious injury from men with guns. Republicans have blocked even debating gun control legislation.

 “Equal pay for equal work” policies and minimum-wage increases affect women dramatically more than men. Two out of three minimum-wage workers are women, and most are primary care providers for children.

 Reductions in food assistance to the needy hurt women and children most.

 Voter suppression through specific identification requirements has more impact on women than on men – especially impoverished women, because the documents necessary for applications are harder for women to obtain.

 Blocking workforce anti-discrimination legislation hurts all workers but disproportionately hurts women.

 Restricting reproductive health services and inventing humiliating and unnecessary procedures, defunding Planned Parenthood and opposing contraceptive options are more than anti-abortion; they restrict basic health care decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor.

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