YARMOUTH — Eliot Cutler, independent candidate for governor, has reignited my deepest hopes about Maine’s future. Neither of his opponents come close to conveying that sense of possibility. My belief in Eliot comes down to five things.

 First, I want a governor with a developed vision for where we are headed, and the personal conviction to advance it. I want a governor who believes passionately in that vision, who understands both its motivations and intricacies, and who markets it with energy and perseverance.

A tone of optimistic and defined vision was interwoven throughout Eliot Cutler’s book, describing Maine in its title as a “State of Opportunity,” transformed to be “healthier, smarter, stronger, younger and more prosperous.” It was elaborated in a series of detailed policy blueprints that were far more specific than those presented by nearly any politician I’ve encountered.

I got a glimpse into the advisory processes that led to these policy blueprints – brainstorming meetings that Eliot convened with thoughtful and experienced policy leaders thinking about the best for Maine, rather than the messaging of the campaign trail. I can tell you with certainty that Eliot listens, processes ideas thoughtfully and draws together the best of what he hears and learns.

 Second, I want a governor with the presence of a chief executive, and with a leadership style that engages people to be the best of themselves. Getting along with people is a critical aspect of the job, but it’s not enough. You also need to inspire people with your convictions, direction, assertiveness, confidence and proactive leadership toward well-defined goals.

Being a congressman and being a chief executive have some related responsibilities, but the skills required to do these jobs well are substantially different. Eliot Cutler carries himself with the positive and assertive presence of an effective chief executive.


 Third, I want a governor who is free to be completely nonpartisan in policy development. As much as I believe Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud works to get along with people on all sides, and is likable personally, he’ll never be in a position to assertively counter the partisan positions and special interest connections of the Democratic Party establishment. For Eliot Cutler, on the other hand, independence from political parties is a defining characteristic of his candidacy.

 The fourth quality that excites me about Eliot Cutler is his global experience and connections, offering to Maine a rare opportunity to transform itself to worldwide engagement in the economies of the future.

That he spent the last several years developing global markets for Maine products is a small window into the much larger economic opportunities and connections he can foster for Maine businesses from the governor’s office.

 Fifth, Eliot Cutler has heart. That’s how he won me over four years ago, above other candidates who I also admired, like Democrat Steve Rowe and Republican Peter Mills. I was reading Eliot’s blog at the time, and discovered an entry he had written while away on business in China.

It was the night the Legislature passed marriage equality. Eliot wrote that he had listened to the debate on the Internet, and that he had never been prouder to be a Mainer. No political hedging. Just heartfelt conviction.

When he says he believes in equality of opportunity for kids in the lowest-income communities in the state, that belief is strong, and real, and engaging. The same with transforming welfare from a system of dependency to one that provides a compassionate and supportive bridge to rewarding work and self-sufficiency.


To those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been an independent in the Maine Legislature for 10 years. I’m the only independent in the Maine Senate right now. In my small way, I’ve tried to advance a less partisan approach to policymaking, but in a legislative environment that is dominated by party-centric systems and structures. I can’t begin to convey how frustrating these party-centric systems have become to those of us committed to cross-party collaboration.

Eliot Cutler is an antidote to a system that is increasingly broken by partisanship. He is also a natural leader with a compelling vision for Maine’s future, who will make an absolutely superb governor.

It’s unfathomable to me to see him as a spoiler, when he is so abundantly well equipped to lead Maine into its next chapter. Please support him on Nov. 4.

— Special to the Press Herald

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