Maine voters have an opportunity in independent Eliot Cutler to elect a governor with vision, a plan and a way to pay for a 21st-century economy in Maine. I am impressed by and confident in Eliot’s business expertise, his plan for welfare reform and property tax relief and his plan to improve declining state infrastructure.

Our future is on the line, and Mike Michaud’s unremarkable record in Congress demonstrates that he is not the candidate with the leadership qualities Maine needs to bring needed change to Maine.

Maine has a tradition of electing capable and intelligent leaders such as Ed Muskie, Margaret Chase Smith, George Mitchell and Olympia Snowe. They knew how to get things done, and so does Eliot Cutler.

Maine voters should recognize the extraordinary talents Eliot Cutler will bring to Maine. Let’s make the right choice and not continue with the status quo.

Matthew Tabenken


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