Trusted to preserve our northern whitetail herd, our Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Department presided over its collapse due to loss of wintering habitat, and refused to admit it for fear of losing nonresident deer hunting fees.

Trusted to preserve Maine’s wild freshwater fishery, IF&W stood by while pristine native brook trout ponds became infested with baitfish; they continue to watch sportsmen spread the problem.

For over a decade, northern Mainers have railed about the loss of moose due to winter ticks. IF&W said our herd was thriving; a GPS collaring study indicated severe losses, exposing the economic allegiance to moose permits.

Now we’re asked to trust IF&W biologists’ warnings of impending bear attacks if Question 1 passes. Their FOIAed emails speak the opposite.

IF&W says massive amounts of bait don’t affect our bear population, though it’s increasing even as the beechnut, bears’ prime fall fat-building food, is lost.

After researching IF&W biologists’ record, I don’t trust them on bears either.

Cecil Gray


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