MONTPELIER, Vt. — Gov. Peter Shumlin’s administration said Wednesday that lagging state revenues are prompting another round of budget cuts for the current fiscal year.

The cuts – up to $17 million worth – follow $31 million slashed from the budget during the summer. Officials say they’re needed because state revenues continue to lag even the lowered forecasts of economists advising the administration.

Shumlin has ordered agencies to submit their plans for absorbing the latest cuts by Friday, Dec. 5.

“Prudence dictates that our administration take steps without delay to ensure spending does not exceed available revenues,” said Jim Reardon, commissioner of the Department of Finance and Management. “The sooner we take action, the less painful the reductions will be.”

One question concerned the degree to which the administration may legally change budget decisions when the Legislature is not in session.

Reardon said the administration has authority under state law to make cuts equal to 1 percent of state revenues without legislative approval.


When the August rescissions are factored in, the administration still had authority to cut $6.7 million in state spending, Reardon said.

That determination came after consultations with the attorney general’s office, he added.

Reardon said lawmakers this year approved additional authority for the administration to seek $1.5 million in efficiencies from various state agencies.

And the governor can ask agencies for savings of another $3.5 million to offset increased costs for state employee health premiums – a cost that didn’t become known until fall, he said

He said the administration also is calling on agencies to plan for an additional $5.3 million in cuts that the administration will seek as part of an annual budget adjustment bill lawmakers will be asked to pass after they return in January.

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