Editors note: Please contact individual places of worship for information about specific religious services during the holidays.


Living Nativity, 3 p.m., and also at 5 p.m. Sunday, with refreshments. Held at Dyed in the Wool Farm, Chatham Road, Route 113B, Stow. The presentation is sponsored by Chatham, New Hampshire, Congregational Church and Lovell United Church of Christ.


“Chanukah on Wheels,” 1 to 3 p.m., featuring food, Jewish music Menorah lighting and grand raffle. Admission is $7 per person. Held at Happy Wheels, 331 Warren Ave. Portland. Visit chabadofmaine.com or call 871-8947 for more information.


Live Nativity, 5 to 7 p.m. nightly through Dec. 23, as weather permits. Live animals will participate on some evenings and cocoa and cookies will be served inside at the Bethlehem Café. Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 Main St., Westbrook. For details, visit trinitywestbrook.com or call 854-5653.

Religion calendar items must be submitted before noon Monday to be considered for the following Saturday. Mail to: Religion Calendar, Portland Press Herald, P.O. Box 1460, Portland, ME 04104; or email to: religion at pressherald.com.

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