FALMOUTH — Police say they have probable cause to believe the teenager accused of breaking into homes naked in November also set his family’s home on fire after his parents kicked him out.

Logan Valle, 18, was told by his mother to leave their home at 12 Inverness Road because of his “erratic behavior” the day before the Nov. 15 blaze that destroyed the home, according to court documents filed in Portland. The documents also say Valle had recently returned home after attending a rehabilitation program.

A judge has issued a search warrant for Valle’s phone, including the call and message history, photos, videos and location data.

According to court documents, the first officer to respond to the fire heard Valle’s mother say “Logan did this” and “my son did this” at the scene of the blaze.

Police said Valle was angry with his mother, and with his father out of town the weekend of Nov. 14, his mother asked him to leave for the weekend. Valle refused  and police had to respond to keep the peace. He eventually left in a Chevrolet Tahoe his parents allowed him to use.

He spent that night at a friend’s house, but according to court documents, woke everyone up at 3 a.m. with loud music and by hitting a punching bag.


At the time of the fire, Valle was arrested after allegedly breaking into two nearby homes while naked. Earlier police reports indicated he may have been high on bath salts at the time of the break-ins. The more recent affidavit says Valle was treated for frostbite on his feet and substance abuse at Maine Medical Center on Nov. 15.

Valle remains in the Cumberland County Jail on $10,000 bail, but cannot make bail because he is still on a probationary hold for a prior offense of operating under the influence. He has not been charged with setting the fire that destroyed his family’s home, or with an attempt to set fire to the Chevrolet Tahoe he had been sleeping in that night.

Officer Jeffrey Pardue of the Falmouth Police Department composed the latest affidavit on Nov. 23  to obtain a search warrant for Valle’s phone, including all stored communications, call history, text communications, and all photos and videos.

Police seized Valle’s iPhone on Thursday, Dec. 4.

According to the new court documents, Valle has a history of substance abuse. He spent 30 days in a drug rehabilitation program over the spring, but began using drugs and alcohol again.

A few days before the fire, Valle got into an argument with his father about obtaining a medical marijuana license. Interviews with Valle’s friends indicated he was “short tempered and snappy” and that he said he “hadn’t slept in days,” the affidavit said.


Interviews with his friends also indicated many of them suspected Valle set the fire that destroyed most of his family’s home. The cause of the fire is still under investigation; according to town records, the building was valued at $602,500, and the property was assessed at $799,100.

One of the family’s dogs, a 6-year-old black-and-white boxer named Roxy, is still missing. A neighbor of the Valle’s, Karen Larlee, said there have been a few possible sightings, but because the dog is timid it won’t go near anyone. Anyone who sees the dog has been asked to call 410-279-7172.

A GoFundMe page established by the Falmouth Country Club for the Valles has already raised nearly $21,000. It’s original goal was to raise $10,000 for the family’s immediate, pre-insurance expenses.

Valle made his initial court appearance on Nov. 17, and appeared again the morning of Dec. 5.

His court-appointed attorney, Robert LeBrasseur, said he has met with Valle and a trial isn’t expected until at least next March.

Colin Ellis can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 123 or cellis@theforecaster.net. Follow him on Twitter: @colinoellis.

Sidebar Elements

Logan Valle, 18, of Falmouth, remains in the Cumberland County Jail following his Nov. 15 arrest on charges of burglary, theft and attempted theft. A fire destroyed his parents’ home at 12 Inverness Road at the time of his arrest.

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