SYLVIA ARTHUR, left, who started Lunches of Love in her home in May of 2009, prepares sandwiches beside volunteer Charlene Franklin at Holland Park Church in Greenville, S.C.

SYLVIA ARTHUR, left, who started Lunches of Love in her home in May of 2009, prepares sandwiches beside volunteer Charlene Franklin at Holland Park Church in Greenville, S.C.


Sylvia Arthur found herself at a crossroads in May of 2009. With more than 2.8 million homeowners hit with foreclosure nationwide that year, she was a struggling mortgage broker facing an uncertain professional future.

That’s when she made the lifechanging decision to stop trying to put people in homes and start helping those without homes.

That began in Arthur’s kitchen that year when she started making daily lunches for the homeless.

“I mentioned it to a friend of mine, then a couple of other friends, so it actually started out with four of us,” Arthur said. “One would bring ham. One would bring bread and so on.

“We were on our way back from delivering one day and one lady said, ‘we should call this Lunches of Love.’”

Nearly six years later, the Lunches of Love program has changed a bit but the mission remains the same — helping those in need.


Within a month after starting, Arthur heard from so many that wanted to help that the efforts moved from her home to Holland Park Church in Simpsonville six days a week.

The number of lunches grew from 20 a day to 40, then 50.

Monday through Friday, a different core group of four to five church members and non-members volunteer each day to help Arthur.

For years, the meals were delivered to Miracle Hill Ministries for distribution to the homeless. That changed in October, when Miracle Hill decided to go in a different direction, according to Arthur.

“Mentally it was difficult for me, because I know there are people out there who still need a meal,” Arthur said. “But we have no way of getting those meals to the people that we needed to serve.”

But her work hasn’t ended.


Now those sandwiches that are made each day for lunch are cut in half to make 100 after-school snacks for children that attend the Frazee Dream Center. The center is a free preschool, morning, afterschool and summer program serving under resourced children ages 3-16 in Greenville.

“It’s been such a blessing for us,” said Jenny Reeves, who directs the Frazee Center along with husband Matt. “It saves me and my staff so much time.”

Reeves said that she used to prepare the snacks the night before and that Frazee relies on donations from Loaves & Fishes. Reeves says everything Frazee workers take off the Loaves & Fishes truck on Mondays is used throughout the week and that led to some creative work at times for snacks.

Reeves says now having a prepared, healthy snack like a halfsandwich and piece of fruit delivered to Frazee each day has been wonderful.

“We do a lot of physical fitness activities in the afternoon and work on homework, and some of our little ones haven’t eaten since 10:45 a.m.,” Reeves said. “It’s just been a neat thing for us, and for them to be able to keep serving like they were.”

In addition to the after-school snacks, Lunches of Love has also supplied some suppers for those Frazee children who may have a single parent that works evenings.


“On Fridays, they also send about 8 to 10 bag lunches to give out to some of our children that we know typically kind of fend for themselves on the weekends,” Reeves said.

Bob Davis, who’s been a member of Holland Park Church since 1994, and his wife Leah are two of those core group members who assist Arthur during the week. He said Lunches of Love’s involvement with the Frazee Center has formed relationships that go beyond the food.

“We have one guy here at church who now goes to the Frazee Center once or twice a week and just reads to the kids,” Davis said.

‘Adventure in faith’

The Lunches of Love program has survived over the years without being on the church’s budget.

“It’s been a real adventure in faith,” Davis said. “When the bank account got low, the Lord provided some money through someone and it’s continued.”


On Saturdays, different groups from the community come to assist. Those meals now go to women recovering from drug and/or physical abuse in the Miracle Hill Renewal program.

Mauldin High’s Service Learning students, under the guidance of teacher Kelly Keeler, have helped make lunches on the first Saturday of each month for the past few years.

While Keeler’s students are only required to make one visit to make the lunches, Anna Lollis has been to two of the three so far this school year. The junior signed up for the third, but it was already full.

“It’s just a great program,” Lollis said. “Having the chance to help out the community was one of the main reasons I joined Service Learning.”

The Action Club, made up adults with special needs, is another group that comes one Saturday a month. That group is near and dear to Arthur, as her two children have special needs.

“There’s a group of about 25 to 30 and they work so hard even with their limited abilities,” Arthur said. “They do a really good job.”


The other Saturdays each month are worked by various groups, including Holland Park’s Life Group as well as various Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops over the years.

Lunches of Love workers have become like a family. In fact, Arthur and her children celebrate Thanksgiving with the Davis family each year.

Looking back on her decision in 2009, Arthur knows she made the right choice.

“For almost six years (of sending lunches to Miracle Hill), we never missed a meal,” Arthur said. “It didn’t matter what was going on with the weather, the meals were done. We did them on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and the 4th of July. The only day we didn’t was on Thanksgiving.

“This is my life’s work and I don’t get paid a dime, but with hindsight I would do it all over again.”

The mission

NEARLY SIX YEARS LATER, the Lunches of Love program has changed a bit but the mission remains the same — helping those in need.

Now those sandwiches that are made each day for lunch are cut in half to make 100 afterschool snacks for children that attend the Frazee Dream Center. The center is a free preschool, morning, after-school and summer program serving under resourced children ages 3-16.

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