The local group, spending the winter at a Gorham church, hopes to return to the newly redone Little Falls Activity Center by spring.

Members of the well-traveled Lakes Region Senior Center are comfy in their temporary winter quarters in a North Gorham Church, but will have to pack it up again in about 10 weeks.

The group has bounced around after it was dislodged from Gorham’s former Little Falls School, which closed in 2013 for a $487,800 renovation, converting the old school into a community center. Rehab work at the building, Town Councilor Sherrie Benner said on Monday, is finishing up.

After the Little Falls School was shuttered, the seniors met at a golf course clubhouse before relocating to summer quarters at White Rock Grange.

“We all liked it at the Grange,” Blanche Alexander, seniors president, said on Tuesday.

But, freezing temperatures drove the group from the Grange hall, which is not winterized. Since Dec. 1, the group was welcomed to hold its meetings during the winter at United Church of Christ at North Gorham, the former Levi Hall School, at the intersection of North Gorham and Standish Neck roads. Seniors will meet there until about April 1.


The group hopes to return to the Little Falls school building.

“My goal is to make sure they’re back in there,” Benner said, but added she spoke as an individual. “It’s a perfect location for them.”

Benner said the Little Falls Activity Center would be a topic at the Gorham Town Council’s workshop meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 19, in Conference Room A in the municipal center, 75 South St.

Alexander hopes the town would welcome its return to the school, where it initially began meeting in 2011.

“We would like to be back at Little Falls so that we have a permanent place to call our own, if it is decided that we can return there,” Alexander said. “It is a convenient location, easy access, parking close to the building.”

When it met at the former school, the group utilized the gym for activities including pickle ball and had a small office for a computer and telephone.


“We have neither now,” Alexander said.

Benner, a real estate agent at Keller Williams Realty, attended the Lakes Region Senior Center’s open house on Monday in the church. The seniors who travel to the organization’s activities are from several area communities, including Buxton, Gorham, Raymond, Standish and Windham.

A large contingent of members braved Monday’s snow and slippery driving conditions to attend its open house that featured a potluck meal. The group meets weekly, Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and serves up a monthly luncheon.

The group pays a token amount to meet at the church. On Monday, Benner dined with the seniors and donated $100 to the group, which helps pay for heat.

At the open house, Kim Foss of Gorham announced the seniors’ plans for a community project at an elementary school in Gorham and another in Windham. Hands in the group will be busy working this summer to create hats, mittens and scarves to be donated to students and the items could even display school colors.

The United Church of Christ at North Gorham is where the Lakes Region Senior Center is meeting for the winter. More than a century old, the building once served as the Levi Hall School.Staff photo by Robert LowellSherrie Benner, a real estate agent and Gorham town councilor, on Mondays presents her $100 donation to Blanche Alexander, president of Lakes Region Senior Center. The group, which hopes for approval to return to Gorham’s Little Falls School, has bounced around while the school is being converted to a community center.Staff photo by Robert LowellLakes Region Senior Center on Monday hosts a large turnout for a potluck meal and open house at the United Church of Christ at North Gorham, where seniors will meet until about April 1.

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