Rose’s comments are his alone

In the Jan. 29 issue of The Current published a column by Eben Rose. At the end of the column, Eben was identified as a member of Protect South Portland, which he is, and a valued one for sure. He tells me he had made clear to the editor that his column reflects his personal views, not those of Protect South Portland. I think your readers deserve to know this also.

Protect South Portland is happy to identify their positions publicly, of course. However, not everything a member may wish to say in a column or letter to the editor will be an expression of Protect South Portland’s agreed-upon positions. Thank you for making this clear to your readers.

Mary-Jane Ferrier,

spokesperson, Protect South Portland

Time Warner, we pay more for less


I read your interesting article in the Current newspaper this week. Time Warner Cable can spend tens of thousands of dollars for lobbying while providing poor service. Every year they increase our rates. They should use that lobbying money to keep our rates flat or reduce them.

Recently, I called customer service and ended up speaking with someone offshore. What do they know about our local situation?

I have heard that in recent customer service surveys, TWC is at the bottom of the stack and Comcast, who wants to merge with them, is just above them. Aren’t we lucky?

Generally, I am not in favor of government doing things that private business can do. However, in this situation, we keep paying more for less. So, perhaps it is time for local governments to step in and compete. Then, TWC will wake up and do a better job for less money as well.

I understand that South Portland has contracted with GWI to install fiber optics cable in the city. I used to have GWI for my phone and Internet and they were a great company to deal with. Unfortunately, I moved and they were not available at my new residence.

Ted Tibbals


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