I am a senior citizen and in relatively good health. However, I know full well the day is coming when this will not be the situation.

Through my many years upon this earth, I have witnessed too many family and friends suffer through terrible diseases until they finally succumb. This suffering has prompted me to write this letter.

I would like to see a law passed in Maine similar to the death-with-dignity laws in Oregon, Washington state and Vermont. Our great country applauds living a dignified life, which most of us adhere to. This same logic should also apply when the time comes to control the end of our life.

Is there any organization out there that is trying to fulfill that right? Please be in touch with me, as I am willing to do whatever it takes to help get legislation passed to legalize physician-assisted suicide. At this point, I am contacting my state legislators and relaying my concerns to them.

The way it is now, the people who believe in legally assisted suicide do not have a choice. If this is ever enacted into law, it would provide people with a choice, allowing people to end their suffering by legal means.

I believe that democracy is all about allowing individuals to make choices about their lives and ultimately about their death.

Jean Shore-Cabral


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