WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election victory all but guarantees more partisan rancor in Congress when it comes to efforts by the Obama administration to reach a deal with Iran to curb its nuclear activities and throws into doubt the longtime U.S. goal of a two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Emboldened by Tuesday’s election, congressional Republicans trumpeted House Speaker John Boehner’s decision to have Netanyahu speak to a joint session of Congress, saying the combination of the prime minister’s message and victory gives them newfound leverage against an Iran nuclear deal.

“As far as doing what Republicans want to do, it was a good day for all parties except the White House,” said Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., a frequent critic of Boehner who all but high-fived the speaker’s move to invite Netanyahu. “It strengthens our position against the president’s negotiations with Iran. It makes Sen. Tom Cotton’s letter to Iran all that more valuable. It’s a big loss for Obama.”

Tea party Republicans weren’t the only ones feeling emboldened. Moderate Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., also couldn’t conceal his pleasure over how Netanyahu’s win complicates Obama’s Iran efforts.

“It’s going to make it easier for Republicans to get Democrats to come with us,” King said. “The leader of Israel has now been reaffirmed, re-elected, it was Netanyahu vs. Obama, at least in the public sphere. It’s a victory for Boehner and the Republicans.”

While some allies congratulated Netanyahu Wednesday, and Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned the Israeli leader, Obama held back calling him.


In the two previous Israeli elections, Obama did not call Netanyahu until he was directed by the Israeli president to form a government, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. Earnest said it is possible a call could come sooner this time.

Earnest said the U.S. will re-evaluate its approach to “the situation moving forward,” since Netanyahu abandoned his support for a two-state solution in the campaign and then went on to win.

If the Republicans were emboldened by the win, Democrats resolved to press for the two-state approach and complained about a last-minute campaign move that warned Israelis about a surge of voting by Arab Israelis.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., a member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said that “the last-minute statements by Mr. Netanyahu to solidify the right wing of his base are somewhat troubling to me.”

While Netanyahu may find Republican support for his reversal on a Palestinian state – “I don’t think it would happen over the next several years anyway,” King said – most Democrats continue to believe that it’s a must.

“Despite campaign rhetoric, Israel must pursue a negotiated two-state solution with the Palestinians,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

Such divisions could make for an uncomfortable two years in Congress and for the White House.

“The question really is for Congress and Netanyahu is will the partisanship that has captured the relationship be accentuated or not,” said Aaron David Miller, a scholar in the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Middle East Program. “The harmful thing that could occur in the next 20 months or so is the partisanship intensifying.”

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