SANFORD — The off-track betting parlor known as Sanford OTB may be a step closer to relocating to the Mid-Town Mall from its current location in south Sanford. 

On Tuesday the City Council’s property subcommittee gave the nod to City Planner James Gulnac on the OTB’s parking plan. Gulnac, in turn, said he’d be bringing the matter up to the Planning Board in a meeting scheduled for this evening.

In most cases, the City Council wouldn’t be involved in the discussion ”“ but in this case, the city is the owner of the parking lot at the mall that fronts on Main Street, and at the lower level in the rear, on Riverside Avenue.

Sanford OTB came before the City Council late last year, looking for approvals for the transfer of its liquor and pari-mutuel wagering licenses. They were granted, but there was dismay expressed by some councilors about its relocation to the downtown core and available parking at the Mid-Town Mall lot.

The Sanford OTB is moving to a portion of the space last occupied by Goodwill of Maine. Sanford OTB owner Don Barbarino said the business will use 2,500 square feet in the mall.

A study has shown that about 10 to 15 vehicles would be parked weekdays, with 20 to 30 on weekends, when the parking lot’s largest user, the Department of Health and Human Services, is closed.


The Maine Harness Racing Commission has signed off on the plan, including parking. Now, the ball is back in Sanford’s court.

Property subcommittee chairman councilor Alan Walsh said he didn’t believe the matter was substantive enough to be presented to the full City Council.

“You can sign off and let (Barbarino) move forward,” he said to Gulnac.

“I can take it to the Planning Board for consensus approval,” Gulnac said. “And the Planning Board authorizes me to approve a minor site plan.”

Subcommittee member and council Richard Wilkins asked Barbarino if he was aware the city is considering metered parking for the lot. Barbarino said he would work out a plan to validate parking for customers.

— Senior Staff Writer Tammy Wells can be contacted at 324-4444 (local call in Sanford) or 282-1535, ext. 327 or

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