It is a bit discouraging to read Joanne Twomey’s comments to Gov. LePage described by observers as “over the top,” “boisterous and directing attention to herself” and a “continual embarrassment” when LePage’s dictatorial outrages are even more offensive, damaging and excessive (“Ex-Biddeford mayor known for her brash behavior,” April 4).

When is someone going to seriously call out the governor on his brashness, his threats to veto bills if he does not get his way, his retorts that he is “not going to back down” regardless of the consequences to the state and its citizens?

It is tiring to see someone – Joanne Twomey – willing to call it like it is with the governor and then to fall prey to the apologies of those who, while they may agree with her, do not have the guts to be honest and direct as she has been about how the governor’s behavior and tactics are nothing short of bullying.

Twomey is correct in “speaking up for people who can’t” and “standing up to a governor who is going to hurt people.” She is to be thanked for her courage – and she should “make no apologies.”

Luisa S. Deprez


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