Regarding the tempest in a teapot now brewing in the Brunswick school district (“Brunswick teacher accused of discussing religious belief,” April 8):

It would be appreciated if the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine would lighten up a bit. No doubt the ACLU’s Zach Heiden is an astute and erudite barrister; however, his overzealous tone seems akin to an attorney who is bucking for a district attorney position or a judgeship.

In the ACLU’s witch hunt to find classroom materials to ban, it is necessary that it also ban the constitution of the state of Maine. Article I, Section 3, reads, in part: ” … to worship Almighty God … .”

Hence, our state constitution itself not only teaches but also asserts that: 1) “God” exists; 2) that God is an “Almighty God”; and 3) that (at least some) citizens in Maine “worship” God.

Teachers beware! If you have a Maine Constitution (which, by the way, was created by the government of the state of Maine) in your classroom, be sure to black out the part about “God” unless you want the ACLU to come down hard on you and your school district.

And God forbid that some fifth-graders in possession of such a scurrilous document should read it by flashlight under their sheets at night.


I suggest that the ACLU, in fairness, willingly agree to provide copies of Maine’s Constitution to every elementary, middle and high school, with the objectionable parts of Section 3 deleted.

This courtesy will ensure that “Almighty God” and religion are not taught – not even present – on school campuses, that no law is broken and (in keeping with the current fad of being politically correct) that no one is offended. Thank God!

I am wondering if Mr. Heiden is a secret bedfellow of some of the zealots from the Bible Belt who ban offensive textbooks. He sure sounds just like them.

Bill Betz

Cape Elizabeth

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