WASHINGTON — A Florida postal carrier steered his small gyrocopter through protected Washington airspace for 30 miles to the U.S. Capitol, tracked by the nation’s top security agencies, which feared harming others if they tried to shoot him down, senior lawmakers said Wednesday.

Doug Hughes, 61, is “lucky to be alive” and “should have been blown out of the air,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight committee, told reporters just days after the incident that exposed a gap in the government’s efforts to ensure the security of the White House, Capitol and other critical buildings in Washington.

Senior officials from the Secret Service and Capitol Police briefed top House members behind closed doors.

Chaffetz said security tracked Hughes as he flew from Pennsylvania to the lawn of the U.S. Capitol last week. He said a decision was made not to shoot Hughes down. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said there was concern about injuring others.

Lawmakers raised alarms about security after Hughes’ stunt, aimed at drawing attention to the need for campaign finance reform.

Hughes was charged with two federal crimes, violating restricted airspace and operating an unregistered aircraft. The crimes carry penalties of up to four years in prison and fines.

Hughes’ next court appearance is May 8.

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