WATERBORO — Crews battled two fires reported within just a few minutes of each other late Thursday afternoon ”“ one believed to have been caused by lightning, the other by a grow lamp in the basement.

The first fire destroyed a garage-barn at 259 Townhouse Road, said Waterboro Fire Chief Matt Bors.

Bors said homeowner Herb Hooper was eating dinner when he heard thunder and lightning and the electricity went out. A neighbor rushed in and said the barn, which held some vehicles and Hooper’s woodworking shop, was on fire.

Bors said the wood in the woodshop plus gasoline for lawnmowers and other equipment contributed to the availability of fuel for the fire to consume.

He said he had been told Hooper was able to remove a couple of tractors from the barn.

No one was injured. Crews from Hollis and Limerick assisted in the call.


The second fire was reported at a two-story log cabin at 19 Valley View Lane, off of Middle Road, while crews were at the Townhouse Road fire. Bors said no one was home, but the smoke alarms sounded, alerting neighbors, who reported the fire.

Bors said the fire was confined to the basement and was believed to have been started by a grow lamp. 

Firefighters were able to save the family dog. No one was injured.

Bors said the home is still habitable.

Firefighters from Alfred, Goodwin’s Mills complimented crews from Waterboro during that call.

— Senior Staff Writer Tammy Wells can be contacted at 324-4444 (local call in Sanford) or 282-1535, ext. 327 or twells@journaltribune.com.

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