WASHINGTON — Speculation continues over which American woman will be chosen to grace the $10 bill, which has featured Alexander Hamilton since 1929.

Treasury has created a website – www.thenew10.treasury.gov – for Americans to submit suggestions. The public can propose both which woman should be chosen and which symbols of democracy should be included in the redesigned bill. Comments can also be submitted on Twitter using the hashtag (hash)TheNew10.

The effort to put a woman on the currency began as a grassroots effort with a group known as Women on 20s launching a petition campaign to urge President Barack Obama to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with a woman.

Last summer, Obama expressed support for the effort. He said he had received a letter from a young girl suggesting such a change.

In a speech Thursday, Lew said the young letter writer, a 9-year-old third grader named Sofia, had triggered an outpouring of support.

“Sofia’s letter clearly struck a chord with Americans across the country, ” Lew told an audience at the National Archives where he outlined plans for the currency change, calling it a “small step with big significance.”

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