We appreciate Philip Brooks’ recognition of the significant economic impact Maine’s nonprofit sector has on the state’s economy, but in his recent Another View submission, “Coverage of the impact of Maine nonprofits raises questions about assets” (June 20), he makes a statement that is simply not accurate: “I believe that the heart of most nonprofits is their endowment fund.”

In fact, Maine’s nonprofit sector is very similar to its for-profit sector in being predominantly a small-business sector, as 87 percent of public charities operate with budgets of $500,000 or less. So, in reality, the percentage of nonprofits that have any of their assets in endowment funds is actually very small.

Our most recent economic and social impact report, “Adding Up Impact: Maine Nonprofits at Work,” provides a wealth of information regarding the make-up and impact of the sector on both a statewide and regional basis. We encourage Maine citizens to read it and gain a deeper understanding of the depth and breadth of Maine’s vibrant nonprofit sector.

Maine’s nonprofits not only support the values and ideals Maine citizens hold dearest, they also are significant employers and economic drivers, while serving as catalysts for positive change in communities around the state by creatively leveraging human and financial capital.

Scott Schnapp

executive director, Maine Association of Nonprofits


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