A surgical team in Boston has successfully removed U.S. Sen. Angus King’s cancerous prostate, King’s wife said Friday in a written statement.

“I am so happy to say that Angus’s surgery was a success and aside from being a bit sore – and boring us all with bad prostate jokes – he’s feeling just fine and already eager to get back to work,” said Mary Herman, the senator’s wife. “On behalf of all of our family, I thank the doctors, nurses, staff, and administration at Mass General Hospital for their professionalism and compassion.”

King, who is 71, announced Monday that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said signs of the cancer showed up in blood tests conducted during a routine annual checkup this spring and were later confirmed in a biopsy.

King said he had not experienced any symptoms, and that a series of body scans revealed that the cancer had not spread beyond his prostate.

The surgery was performed Friday by Dr. Douglas Dahl, according to Herman, who expressed gratitude to all of the senator’s supporters.

“Most of all, I want to thank our friends and the people of Maine for their well wishes,” she said. “Your kind words and support have been overwhelming and our entire family is grateful to come from a state that cares so much for the man we love.”

King survived a previous bout with cancer as a young man, when he was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. The cancers are unrelated.

According to the American Cancer Society, the 10-year survival rate is 99 percent for prostate cancer that is detected before it spreads, and the 15-year survival rate is 94 percent.

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