Millions of immigrants, many of whom were our own parents, grandparents and ancestors, have been greeted upon their arrival to our shores by the Statue of Liberty.

Every American citizen, native-born or naturalized, can be justly proud of this “world-wide welcome that glows from her beacon hand,” to paraphrase Emma Lazarus’ famous poem.

However, compassionate residents of the great state of Maine must reluctantly share the shame of a governor who refuses to accept “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” as Lazarus articulates so eloquently.

It is regrettable that the lamp our national symbol of liberty “lifts beside the golden door” does not light the way past our boundaries and into all our hearts.

A “New Colossus” in the person of Gov. Paul LePage stands guard at our borders, denying Maine descendants of immigrants our longing to share with newcomers the “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” we enjoy in this nation.

LePage’s callous message is unmistakable: Do not “send these, the homeless, tempest-tost (sic) to me.” They are not welcome.

Phyllis Kamin


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