After what was a particularly undistinguished first year as state “representative,” last week Karen Vachon cast what will likely be the defining vote of her brief political career.

Maine voters have overwhelmingly voted for bonds to fund the highly successful Land for Maine’s Future program. Twice our governor has held those bonds hostage for his own political gain, which many see as an affront to our democratic process.

Moderate Republicans joined with Democrats to craft a bill that would have prevented the governor’s actions and followed the will of the people.

To no one’s surprise, the governor vetoed this bipartisan bill. The Senate overrode the veto, but the override in the House failed by six votes – one of whom was Vachon.

Vachon has aligned herself with the extreme far-right-wing policies of two fellow Scarborough Republicans: Rep. Heather Sirocki and Sen. Amy Volk. It appears Vachon is supporting the governor’s abuse of our democracy.

Matt Powell


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