Thursday mornings over breakfast, my husband and I always check out your special section, MaineToday Magazine. We like to find out what current entertainment we may want to check out.

This week, it received special attention. As I looked at the cover, I said to myself: “How fun, how cute, how very clever!” and proceeded to look for the name of the artist.

I looked high and low, inside and out, but no name. Even Page 2 of the A section, where you give all the Portland Press Herald information and telephone numbers – but nothing!

I thought to myself: “Time to write a letter to the editor. I’d really like to know!”

My husband and I exchanged sections of the paper. He checked out MaineToday and said: “What a great cover! Who’s the artist?”

So there, two of us, and I’m sure we were not the only ones wondering. I’ve since found out that the name of the artist – staff artist Pete Gorski – was on the index page of the magazine. Kudos! Well-done!

Gunnel Larsdotter


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