Editor’s note: Please contact individual places of worship for information about Advent and Christmas religious services.


Advent Vigil for Disarmament, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., continues Dec. 19, to protest building warships at Bath Iron Works. Held across the street from the BIW administration building on Washington Street, Bath.

“Light Into Darkness: Finding Hope,” 2 to 4 p.m., remembrance observing the effects of gun violence on families and communities with candlelight vigil and several speakers. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Pleasant Street, Brunswick.

“Come, Let Us Adore Him,” 6:30 p.m., interdenominational Christmas music program at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 29 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth. Free. Light refreshments will be served.



“Human Soul the Image of God” What do we actually mean when we say,”We are created in the image of God?” 10 a.m. service with workshop from 12:15 to 2:30 p.m. Presented by Dana Sawyer, professor of religion and philosophy at Maine College of Art. Final program in the Season of Interfaith Intercultural Celebration series. Unity of Greater Portland, 54 River Road, Windham. 893/1233 or unitygreaterportland@roadrunner.net

“Waiting for God’s Promise Fulfilled” 10 a.m., service of Lessons and Carols featuring the Chancel Choir, Bell Ringers and Liturgical Dance. Woodfords Church, 202 Woodfords St., Portland.

Hanukkah Party, 1 p.m., featuring the family film “Belle and Sebastien,” followed at 3 p.m. by the community menorah lighting, singing, dreidel games and latkes, Held at Adas Yoshuron Synagogue, 50 Willow Street, Rockland. All are welcome. Please bring a plate of latkes or another treat to share. For more information or to RSVP, email info@adasyoshuron.org or call 594-4523.

Candlelight Concert, 2 p.m., Christmas music with several performers. Annual program held in conjunction with the town’s Christmas Prelude events. First Congregational Church, 141 North St., Kennebunkport. A $10 donation is requested, to benefit local community needs.

Family meal and Christmas Caroling, 4 to 6 p.m., Tuttle Road United Methodist Church, 52 Tuttle Road, Cumberland. 829 3766

St. Lucia Service, 4:30 p.m., a Festival of Light and Hope with procession, stories and carols. A reception with refreshments will follow. Donations of canned goods for the Raymond Food Pantry are requested. Held at Raymond Village Community Church, 27 Main St., Raymond. For more information call 650-7845.


Chanukah on Wheels, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Chabad of Maine celebration with music, raffle, Menorah lighting and more. Held at Happy Wheels, 331 Warren Ave., Portland. The cost is $7 per person. Visit Chabadofmaine.com or call 871-8947 for details.

Twilight in the Chapel, 5:15 p.m., second in a new weekly contemplative service of Eucharist and renewal. Emmanuel Chapel at St. Luke’s Cathedral, 143 State St., Portland.

Service of Remembrance, starting at 6:30 p.m., annual event sponsored by Southern Maine Bereaved Parents USA in conjunction with The Compassionate Friends “Worldwide Candle Lighting” to honor and remember children who have died. Held in the Upper Parish Hall, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 143 State St., Portland.

Service of Lessons and Carols, 7 p.m., in the Peter J. Gomes Chapel, Bates College, 275 College St., Lewiston. Open to the community.


“Aging as a Gift,” 7 p.m., presentation by Fr. Myles Sheehan, S.J., a medical doctor with a specialty in geriatric medicine, as part of the local Jesuit Spirituality Initiative. Held at Cheverus High School, 267 Ocean Avenue in Portland. The program is open to all. Admission is free with a freewill offering taken to support the Jesuit Spirituality Initiative.


Vigil and remembrance, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., of the shootings at Sandy Hook. Conducted by Maine Moms Demand Action and Maine Council of Churches in conjunction with Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence. Held at Friends School of Portland. 11 Route 1, Cumberland.


Labyrinth Walk, available between 4 and 7:30 p.m., indoor Chartre-style labyrinth for meditative walk. Allow about 30 minutes. Trinity Episcopal, 580 Forest Ave., entrance in rear, Portland. Call 772-7421 for more information.

Dec. 19

Winter’s Grace, 7 p.m., Christmas Cantata by Joseph Martin performed by the church choir and friends. Tuttle Road United Methodist Church 52 Tuttle Road, Cumberland. Free. Handicapped accessible. 829-3766.

This week


Live Nativity locations

2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 12, at Stroudwater Baptist Church, 1737 Congress St., Portland.

5:30 to 7 p.m. Dec. 13, outdoor nativity with hot cocoa and children’s craft project indoors. West Scarborough United Methodist Church, Route 1 and Orchard Street, Scarborough.

5 to 7 p.m., Dec. 12 and Dec. 13, and also Dec. 18 through Dec. 23. Weather permitting at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 Main St., Westbrook. Cocoa and cookies will be served indoors.

7 p.m. Dec. 16, featuring Smiling Hill Farm’s Barnyard on the Go. Held at Standish Congregational Church, 25 Oak Hill Road. Refreshments will follow.

“The Light is On for You,” confession (the Sacrament of Reconciliation) will be available in at least one church in each Catholic parish throughout Maine from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.To find dates, times and details for your area, visit portlanddiocese.org/lightison. The phone for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is 321-7810.

Religion calendar items must be submitted before noon Monday to be considered for the next Saturday. Please note that we are not able to list regular weekly services in the calendar. Mail to: Religion Calendar, Portland Press Herald, P.O. Box 1460, Portland, ME 04104; or email to:


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