Twenty-five years ago, Katie Costello’s kidney failed. If I may use the word “fortunate,” she was; her brother’s blood type matched and she received the gift of his kidney.

We always ask: Why are good people faced with more than one tragedy? Does it make a person stronger in their faith? Does it reinforce ties with family and friends?

As Katie’s life resumed, with a wonderful marriage, a beautiful 1½-year-old daughter and a successful job, another tragedy occurred: Her husband died of a heart attack in his 40s.

Her faith and strength were tested again. With prayers and the love of friends and family (Katie’s parents live in Yarmouth), her strength was renewed.

It is said that God only gives us as much in life as we can handle – Katie’s gift of life today is another kidney.

About 3½ years ago, her kidney failed. It is 2015, two years since the Press Herald published a letter making an earlier appeal, and Katie is still waiting.


She is 54. Her daughter will hopefully begin college in a year or so. Katie can no longer work and undergoes peritoneal dialysis every day, but her faith is still strong.

There are two types of donor lists maintained. For further information, there is an online screening system for potential donors.

Please go to transplant and look for a blue box that opens the link to a form. Katie Costello’s name as recipient is required; her blood type is O positive. The director of the Transplant Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston will contact the interested donor.

Please allow Katie to live her life fully, to see her daughter graduate from college and eventually to see her marry.

May you be blessed abundantly with good health.

Patricia A. Clements


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