Lakes Region Senior Center is located at Little Falls Activity Center, 40 Acorn St., in Gorham. The drop-in center is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and Friday beginning at 10:30 a.m. Stop in for coffee, tea, socializing, puzzle table, or a fun activity of your choice. Onoing daily activities include: Monday, mah jong, beginners welcome; Tuesday, crafts, cards, games; Wednesday, memoir writing group meets second and fourth Wednesday; Thursday, table bames at 10 a.m.; Friday, art workshop at 9 a.m.

On Monday, Jan. 11, the center is holding a potluck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. There is no charge for the luncheon if you bring a dish to share. If you prefer not to cook, there will be a $5 charge. Following the luncheon, Officer Ted Hatch of the Gorham Police Department will speak about scams of interest to seniors.

Meanwhile, the Southern Maine Agency on Aging is looking for volunteers to help provide the Matter of Balance program, designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity.

A two-day coach training will be held at on Feb. 12 and 15 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. at the agency, located on Route 1 in Scarborough. Those interested in learning more or registering for the training should contact Anna Guest at 396-6529 or

A Matter of Balance is conducted in eight, two-hour sessions and uses group discussion, problem–solving strategies, videos and gentle physical exercise. Older adults learn positive coping methods to reduce fear of falling and remain active and independent.

Kay Soldier welcomes reader ideas for column topics of interest to seniors. She can be reached by email at, or write to 114 Tandberg Trail, Windham, ME 04062.

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