I am newly appalled. First we have Gov. LePage’s racist comments about (presumably black) men selling heroin on the streets of Maine and impregnating white women.

Then we have Rep. Lawrence Lockman’s breathtakingly horrid public posting supporting LePage’s outrageous statement with one even more, or as, astonishing:

“When I see a twenty-something black guy decked out in bling grocery-shopping with a chubby white girl in Bangor, my educated guess is that he’s a drug dealer from New York, and she’s a native Mainer welfare queen.”

Educated? Hardly. Representative? Not a chance!

We should all be deeply troubled and outraged by these inane, horrific and, yes, racist, sexist and slanderous comments. We must not sit quietly by and let them be or write them off to a mouth that works faster than a brain.

These are seriously problematic statements from supposed leaders, and they undermine our state’s ability to move forward, to support its citizens and to encourage camaraderie and caring for each other. Their festering will continue to cause undue damage to the state, to all of us, if we do not act to stop them – LePage, Lockman, and the like – now!

Luisa S. Deprez


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