CONCORD, N.H. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to establish the “Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge” in parts of New England and New York to preserve more shrubland and young forests for numerous species, such as the New England cottontail.

The agency has identified areas in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. The goal is to gain up to 15,000 acres.

The agency says many areas across the Northeast have been cleared for development or have grown into mature forests. Private landowners and conservation groups have worked with state wildlife agencies to restore and protect land for 65 songbirds, mammals, reptiles and other wildlife, but more land is needed.

The service is accepting comments on the proposal through March 4.

“We’ve had incredible success in restoring New England’s only native rabbit and its habitat. Yet our work is far from done,” said Rick Jacobson, New England Cottontail Executive Committee chair and wildlife division director of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Energy Protection Wildlife Division. He said more land needs to be preserved for the cottontail, “but this isn’t just about a rabbit. It’s about American woodcock, ruffed grouse, golden-winged warblers, monarch butterflies and a whole suite of wildlife that depend on this habitat.”

In New Hampshire, for example, the agency would like to conserve up to 1,500 acres in Strafford, Rockingham and Hillsborough counties. More than 6,900 acres in these areas are already managed, but not all of it is made up of young forest or shrubland.

The process of working with interested landowners to buy conservation easements and buying land would take decades. Land would not become part of the refuge unless the owners sell or donate it to the service.

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